Sentence correction example

Please look at this message and its correction. It illustrates some common errors:

After DataSource is set TreeList needs time to be initialized. This time depends on many settings, for example it depends on data source volume. To be sure that TreeList is initialized it is necessary to use the ForceInitialize method.


After the DataSource is set, the TreeList needs time to initialize. The time required depends on many settings, for example, the data source volume. To be sure that theTreeList is initialized, it is necessary to use the ForceInitialize method.

First- Missing articles…
“the TreeList”, “the DataSourse”
Second- Verb tenses and use:
“to be initialized” can be replaced with “to initialize”. Initialize can be used as a verb, and that will clean up the text.
Third- Extra words that are not needed:
” it depends on data source volume” can be replaced with “the data source volume”, because the verb “depends” was already used earlier in the sentence. Why repeat it?
Fourth- Turn of phrase:
“This time depends on many settings” must be replaced with “The time required depends on many settings”. This is beause the correction represents the turn of phrase commonly used in English to express this idea.

Thank you.